
Goldfinch Energy is a purpose-driven, women-owned small business based in East Toronto, dedicated to helping Canadians reduce their homes’ reliance on fossil fuels.

All members of Goldfinch Energy are Registered Energy Advisors and provide energy audits with an NRCan licensed service organization (currently ER Energy Solutions).


Sarah Grant

Sarah Grant holds degrees in engineering and computer science, and leadership experience in renewable energy and local food systems. Sarah is a MURB certified energy advisor who has completed over 500 energy audits and is working on her Net Zero certification and becoming an HVAC designer.


Anne Hogarth

Prior to auditing homes, Anne was a food scientist and worked as a product developer for cookies and crackers. These days, she loves taking the time needed to help each and every homeowner to take steps to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.


Audrey Bayens

Audrey loves being on the leading edge of technologies including home energy and has applied them to her century farmhouse and passive house barn that has MicroFIT solar array. Audrey splits her time between Toronto, Orillia, and Vaughn where she loves meeting homeowners who want to contribute toward climate change action and enjoy the outcome of a healthy, comfortable home.


Mahmut Yildirim

Mahmut enjoys helping people make their homes more energy efficient and loves dealing with complex problems. He has a degree in engineering and is a MURB-certfied Energy Advisor.

“People’s homes are like a puzzle I love solving. It’s about finding the pieces that fit together to create a beautiful picture of comfort, savings and lower emissions.”

— Sarah Grant, Founder, Goldfinch Energy